Scope & Programme

Currently, only the scope of the INTERMET workshops is available. The final programme will be suited to the needs of the applicants accepted for participation.


Slavic in a Crosslinguistic Perspective

Typological and historical view on the Slavic languages. Language ideologies, contemporary background of linguistic diversity.

Geography and Linguistics

Spatial distribution of linguistic features. Onomastics, dialectology, GIS in linguistics, language atlases.

Big Data in Linguistics

Utilizing large datasets to uncover patterns and trends in language use and development. Stylometry, corpus linguistics, topic modelling, computational linguistics, statistical analysis.

Data Collection and Management

Practical approaches to collecting, organizing, and managing linguistic data. Handwritten Text Recognition, Optical Character Recognition, web-scraping, linguistic corpora.

Language Acquisition and Language Disorders

Examining the processes of language learning and the challenges posed by language disorders. Nature or nurture? Frequency or structure?

Individual approach

Tell us more about your research interests in the application form. The final programme will be adjusted to the needs of the participants within the scope.